1. 萬民都要讚美你/Let All the People Praise Thee
2. 感謝神/Thanks to God
3. 我的拯救者/My Deliverer
4. 我來敬拜全能的大愛/I Worship Thee, Oh, Mighty Love
5. 新詩/The New Song
6. 你已親自向我顯現/Thou Hast Revealed Thyself to Me
7. 靠主有福/Blessed Is He That Trusteth in the Lord
8. 耶穌除去我重擔/Jesus Has Lifted the Load
9. 我不敢稍微失敗/I Dare Not Be Defeated
10. 救贖之恩典我愛宣揚/Redeemed
11. 十架永存/The Old Rugged Cross
12. 潔白過於雪/Whiter Than the Snow
13. 何等希奇當我思想/Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed?
14. 我奉一位復活主/He Lives!
15. 渴慕聖靈者/Ho! Every One That Is Thirsty
16. 耶穌裡的自由/Freedom in Jesus
17. 我必要像祂/I Shall Be Like Him
18. 越事奉越甘甜/The Longer I Serve Him
19. 重擔都解脫/Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary
20. 從我活出你自己/Live out Thy Life Within Me
21. 神在天上有一寶藏/God in Heaven Hath a Treasure
22. 撇盡世上歡樂/Fade, Fade Each Earthly Joy
23. 頑梗我心已終於屈服/Sweet Will of God
24. 更深進入你的愛/Deeper in Thy Love
25. 主同在的榮耀/The Glory of His Presence
26. 歌頌主愛/Sweeter as the Years Go By
27. 何等奇妙/'Tis Marvelous and Wonderful
28. 我痛悔已往太悖逆/O, the Bitter Shame and Sorrow
29. 在蔭涼牧場青草甘美豐盛/In Shady Green Pastures
30. 渴慕耶穌/Longing for Jesus
31. 永不灰心/Never Give Up
32. 祂隱藏我魂/He Hideth My Soul
33. 我已得到宇宙至寶/I've Found the Pearl of Greatest Price
34. 主,求你向我吹聖靈/O Lord, Breathe Thy Spirit on Me
35. 求主滿我杯/Fill My Cup, Lord
36. 勝利在前面/Victory Ahead
37. 我的良人/My Beloved
38. 保惠師與我同住/He Abides
39. 默念我主/O Thou, in Whose Presence
40. 上主愛我永不止/Loved with Everlasting Love
41. 神信實何廣遠/Great Is Thy Faithfulness
42. 我實不解天使敬拜之真神/I Cannot Tell Why He Whom Angels Worship
43. 神聖純愛/Love Divine, All Love Excelling
44. 將你最好的獻與主/Give of Your Best to the Master
45. 無人像耶穌這樣愛顧我/No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus
46. 爾憂鬱傷心者/Come, Ye Disconsolate
47. 住在迦南/Dwelling in Beulah Land
48. 住在主裡面/Abiding in Christ
49. 居在榮耀裡/Living in the Glory
50. 以馬內利懇求降臨/O Come, O Come, Immanuel
51. 啊,聖善夜!/O Holy Night
52. 樂哉主臨、普世歡騰/Joy to the World
53. 若今日來如何/What If It Were Today?
1. 萬民都要讚美你/Let All the People Praise Thee
2. 感謝神/Thanks to God
3. 我的拯救者/My Deliverer
4. 我來敬拜全能的大愛/I Worship Thee, Oh, Mighty Love
5. 新詩/The New Song
6. 你已親自向我顯現/Thou Hast Revealed Thyself to Me
7. 靠主有福/Blessed Is He That Trusteth in the Lord
8. 耶穌除去我重擔/Jesus Has Lifted the Load
9. 我不敢稍微失敗/I Dare Not Be Defeated
10. 救贖之恩典我愛宣揚/Redeemed
11. 十架永存/The Old Rugged Cross
12. 潔白過於雪/Whiter Than the Snow
13. 何等希奇當我思想/Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed?
14. 我奉一位復活主/He Lives!
15. 渴慕聖靈者/Ho! Every One That Is Thirsty
16. 耶穌裡的自由/Freedom in Jesus
17. 我必要像祂/I Shall Be Like Him
18. 越事奉越甘甜/The Longer I Serve Him
19. 重擔都解脫/Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary
20. 從我活出你自己/Live out Thy Life Within Me
21. 神在天上有一寶藏/God in Heaven Hath a Treasure
22. 撇盡世上歡樂/Fade, Fade Each Earthly Joy
23. 頑梗我心已終於屈服/Sweet Will of God
24. 更深進入你的愛/Deeper in Thy Love
25. 主同在的榮耀/The Glory of His Presence
26. 歌頌主愛/Sweeter as the Years Go By
27. 何等奇妙/'Tis Marvelous and Wonderful
28. 我痛悔已往太悖逆/O, the Bitter Shame and Sorrow
29. 在蔭涼牧場青草甘美豐盛/In Shady Green Pastures
30. 渴慕耶穌/Longing for Jesus
31. 永不灰心/Never Give Up
32. 祂隱藏我魂/He Hideth My Soul
33. 我已得到宇宙至寶/I've Found the Pearl of Greatest Price
34. 主,求你向我吹聖靈/O Lord, Breathe Thy Spirit on Me
35. 求主滿我杯/Fill My Cup, Lord
36. 勝利在前面/Victory Ahead
37. 我的良人/My Beloved
38. 保惠師與我同住/He Abides
39. 默念我主/O Thou, in Whose Presence
40. 上主愛我永不止/Loved with Everlasting Love
41. 神信實何廣遠/Great Is Thy Faithfulness
42. 我實不解天使敬拜之真神/I Cannot Tell Why He Whom Angels Worship
43. 神聖純愛/Love Divine, All Love Excelling
44. 將你最好的獻與主/Give of Your Best to the Master
45. 無人像耶穌這樣愛顧我/No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus
46. 爾憂鬱傷心者/Come, Ye Disconsolate
47. 住在迦南/Dwelling in Beulah Land
48. 住在主裡面/Abiding in Christ
49. 居在榮耀裡/Living in the Glory
50. 以馬內利懇求降臨/O Come, O Come, Immanuel
51. 啊,聖善夜!/O Holy Night
52. 樂哉主臨、普世歡騰/Joy to the World
53. 若今日來如何/What If It Were Today?
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