A beautifully illustrated book for children that explores the great issue of our time – climate change; while also depicting our love of pets, the importance of animals and nature.
“BooBoo and Jubee Save Their Boy” is an illustrated children’s book depicting the tale of two amazing pets. BooBoo, the cat, and Jubee, the dog love their boy. His asthma acts up on smoggy days, so the two loyal animals set off on an adventure to get rid of pollution. With the help of some brilliant forest friends, they have an epic journey to combat climate change.
“BooBoo and Jubee Save Their Boy” is an illustrated children’s book depicting the tale of two amazing pets. BooBoo, the cat, and Jubee, the dog love their boy. His asthma acts up on smoggy days, so the two loyal animals set off on an adventure to get rid of pollution. With the help of some brilliant forest friends, they have an epic journey to combat climate change.
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