To Know the Real Drucker:Eight Articles Will Help You



製造商/作者:Peter F. Drucker;Minglo Shao(編訂)



數  量:


特惠價:$334 元

VIP價:$326 元

配送方式: 超商、宅配




This book is strongly recommended to entrepreneurial decision makers who are looking for a way to implement Drucker’s ideas. Decision makers not only need to have a theory of knowledge, but more importantly, a new worldview. In To Know the Real Drucker: Eight Articles Will Help You, we get a glimpse of how Drucker thought as a management guru and social ecologist, as well as his thinking process.

To Know the Real Drucker: Eight Articles Will Help You is a collection of eight articles by Peter Drucker: “The Unfashionable Kierkegaard” (1949) and its introduction (1992), “The New World-View” (1957), “From Analysis to Perception: The New World View” (1989), “Reflections of a Social Ecologist” (1992), “What Is a Functioning Society?” (1942), “From Rousseau to Hitler” (1942), “The Human Situation Today” (1957), and “Management as Social Function and Liberal Art” (1989).
Readers can find the source of each articles in the table of contents and editor’s note per article. Of the eight articles, only the last one is from Drucker’s works on management. The other seven are from his books on society, politics, and economics. Although the world has hailed him as the “Father of Modern Management,” he considered himself a “social ecologist.” This book will play an indispensable role in explaining the reason for that and in further understanding the foundation of faith and worldview which Drucker’s social ecology (and, of course, management) is built on.

Forward The Way of Drucker’s Management Philosophy 009
Editor’s Forword 021

The Mundane Christian Faith: The End of Values, Commitment, Conviction and Aspiration 031
ARTICLE 1 Introduction & The Unfashionable Kierkegaard
(Abstracted from The Ecological Vision, Part 8: Why Society Is Not Enough) 033
Appendix 1
Nineteen Questions Regarding Reading The Unfashionable Kierkegaard” 059
An Understanding 065

The Worldview That Keeps Up with Reality: Purpose-Oriented Methodology 077
ARTICLE 2 The New World-View
(Abstracted from Landmarks of Tomorrow, Chapter 1) 079
Appendix 2
Ten Questions Regarding Reading “The New World-View” 100
An Understanding 103

ARTICLE 3 From Analysis to Perception: The New World View
(Abstracted from The New Realities, Conclusion) 117
An Understanding 132

Drucker’s Social Ecology: The Application of Faith and Worldview 141
ARTICLE 4 Reflections of a Social Ecologist: The Social Ecology’s Themes, Work and Characteristic (Abstracted from The Ecological Vision, Afterword) 143
Appendix 3
Eleven Questions Regarding Reading “Reflections of a Social Ecologist” 171
An Understanding 175

ARTICLE 5 What Is a Functioning Society? —The General Theory of Society
(Abstracted from The Future of Industrial Man, Chapter 2) 181
An Understanding 202

ARTICLE 6 From Rousseau to Hitler: The Lesson from History
(Abstracted from The Future of Industrial Man, Chapter 7) 215
Appendix 4 Peter F. Drucker’s View on Freedom 243
An Understanding 259

ARTICLE 7 The Human Situation Today: Upcoming Challenges
(Abstracted from Landmarks of Tomorrow, Chapter 10) 267
An Understanding 286

PART FOUR Management as a Liberal Art: The Means to Achieve Social Ecological Vision 295
ARTICLE 8 Management as Social Function and Liberal Art: The Field, Legitimacy,
Principles and Characteristic
(Abstracted from The New Realities, Chapter 15) 297
An Understanding 313

PART FIVE Reflection:
The Eight Essential Quotes of Drucker— The Most Fundamental Beliefs and Values in His Social Ecology and Management as a Liberal Art 321


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